Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder – FM Tactics

Football Manager Tactics for Addictive Icons

Football is a game of legends, filled with tales of triumph, skill, and glory on the field. But beyond the bright lights and roaring crowds, some of these iconic players fought battles that transcended the pitch โ€“ battles against addiction.

This is the story of football icons with addictive personality disorder.

As we delve into their stories, let’s also explore how they would fit into the dynamic 3-3-1-3 tactics formation in Football Manager, highlighting football player positions and roles.

In the electrifying arena of football, where heroes are molded and legends are born, another tale is whispered among the crowd. It’s not just the goals that echo through time, but the haunting echoes of personal struggles that lurk beneath the surface.

Buckle up for a journey through the murky alleys of addiction and adversity that some of the game’s greatest icons dared to tread. These football icons with addictive personality disorders make the super team of – good drop lovers, drug abusers, tobacco smokers, and gambling fanatics.

Furthermore, the article provides comprehensive tactical guidance on effectively executing a 3-3-1-3 attacking formation in Football Manager 2023. It takes into account the unique attributes of the players as well as the dynamics within the team.

FM Tactics Approach for Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder

Strategy and Approach Play

The chosen strategy is based on their technical skills and passionate approach, which can be summed up as total football. This tactic is employed in FM23 with a highly attacking mindset.

Player Attributes and Composition

The team’s attacking width is deliberately kept narrow, and aligned with the players’ specific attributes. Except for Tony Adams, all players boast impeccable technical training, with ball control ratings surpassing 14, and the ability to transfer and pass the ball accurately forward.

Approach Play and Instructions

Total Football Strategy: Creative Freedom and Play | Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder
Total Football Possession Play

A formation as narrow as this demands exceptional mobility and active participation in the attack from every player. Given their mastery over the ball and their love for the game, this won’t be an issue.

Regarding approach play, the primary focus is on passing the ball into open space. Thus, the “Pass into space” instruction is crucial. With two skilled technicians in lateral defense positions, namely Garincha on the left in an inverted wingback role, there’s an additional passing option due to his proficiency with his right foot. This setup mirrors the Pep Guardiola tactics and his use of Kyle Walker in Man City.

Detailed instructions for each player will be provided, highlighting the distinct qualities of these players known for their creative prowess with the ball. This will shed light on the concept of their entirely innovative style of football.

Freedom and Creativity in Attack

In the final third of the field, these players are granted substantial freedom and the license to improvise. They excel at this aspect of the game, and as such, a laissez-faire approach is best.

This translates to a mix of crosses, a structure that champions unrestrained play, and a directive to prioritize set pieces due to the team’s historical strength in powerful shots โ€“ not from Roberto Carlos, mind you.

Dribbling is encouraged, with an emphasis on running at the defense.

Regarding creative freedom, players are encouraged to express themselves fully, with discipline taking a back seat.

Transition and Retain Possession Play

During transitions, specifically when possession is lost, the strategy shifts to a counter-pressing approach. Conversely, upon regaining possession, the focus turns to a counter-attacking style. Elements of this strategy mirror Jurgen Klopp’s gegenpressing philosophy, but with adaptations tailored to the individual player attributes.

When the goalkeeper has possession, quick distribution is key โ€“ think Renรฉ Higuita. The distribution should primarily target full-backs and central defenders, aligning with the approach play discussed earlier. Short passing is preferred for fast distribution and quick continuation of play.

Mastering Transition Play: Gegenpressing and Quick Distribution | Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder
Total Football Transition Play

Defensive Strategy and Lineup Considerations

Lastly, we arrive at the most debatable phase of the game: team defense, or, in our FM universe, the out-of-possession play. Given the unique characteristics of this group, it’s impractical to impose disciplined defensive teamwork on them. Notably, none of the players, starting from Dr. Socrates, were keen on a deep-lying block.

Only Diego Maradona may have adopted such a stance when provoked.
Like the famous fierce clash vs. Athletic Bilbao.

As for the defensive setup:

  1. The line of engagement is set at a mid-block level.
  2. The defensive line is maintained at a standard position.

At this point, a departure from Klopp’s gegenpressing approach becomes evident. These guys have nothing similar to Sadio Mane, Firmino, or Salah.

This is the article about football icons with addictive personality disorder. Ok. With the slogan in the dress room “Sport is death, do drugs”.

Given the players’ fitness limitations, it’s advisable to conserve energy in defense. The strategy involves maintaining a mid-block position while triggering pressing in a confined area to initiate potent counter-attacks.

Unconventional Defensive Strategies in FM | Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder
Total Football – Out of Possession Approach

So, let’s begin, dear football fellas.

These are the top 11 football icons with addictive personality disorder. Incorporated in Football Manager 3-3-1-3 tactics formation.


1. An Unconventional Twist – Sweeper Keeper -One & Only – Rene Higuita

The Maverick Sweeper-Keeper's On-Field Audacity and Off-Field Struggles | Football icons with addictive personality disorder
Rene Higuita Famous Scorpion Save

Picture this: a goalkeeper defying conventions, dancing at the edge of the penalty area, and leaving strikers in bewilderment. Rene “El Loco” Higuita, a maverick on the field, was no stranger to living on the edge.

Rene “El Loco” Higuita, known for his unorthodox sweeper-keeper style, faced battles both on and off the field. As an attacking sweeper keeper, he not only made daring saves but also ventured forward to participate in the build-up play.

Off the pitch, Higuita’s addiction struggles were as audacious as his playing style. His penchant for living on the edge extended beyond the goalposts, leading him down a path of substance abuse and legal troubles. The acrobatics that made him a sensation also masked his internal turmoil. His flamboyant style concealed the battles he fought in private, mirroring the duality of a goalkeeper who soared through the air while grappling with his own demons.

The incident in 1993 highlighted his struggles with addiction. He was arrested for his involvement in a kidnapping case linked to a drug lord, none other than Mr. Pablo Escobar personally.

While he claimed he was trying to negotiate the release of his kidnapped friend, his connection to criminal activities tarnished his reputation and underscored his battles with substance abuse.

Football Manager Instructions for Sweeper Keeper – Rene Higuita.

Rene Higuita - Football Manager Legends Patch - Role Instructions
Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder – Rene Higuita

From Courageous Stops to Battle with Spirits – Fernando Couto

Alcohol Addiction - Fernando Couto's Story | Football icons with addictive personality disorder
Fernando Couto – Portugese Butcher

Fernando Couto, a wide center back with a stopper role, was a commanding presence in defense. His aerial prowess and physicality made him a formidable force.

Just as he stood strong against opponents, he also confronted his personal demons by battling alcohol addiction. Couto’s role on the pitch reflected his fight against adversity in life.

For Couto, the world of football offered both triumph and escape. Yet, the pressures of the game weighed heavily on him, driving him toward alcohol as a means of relief. The camaraderie he felt on the field often gave way to isolation, as he grappled with his addiction in solitude.

Fernando Couto, a commander of defense, battled alcohol addiction throughout his career. In 2006, he was suspended by his club after being involved in a car accident while under the influence of alcohol. The incident not only put his own life at risk but also highlighted the extent of his struggles with substance abuse.

In the heart of defense, Fernando Couto stood as a beacon of resilience. Commanding the backline, he fought relentless battles against attackers. Yet, a war of a different kind was waged within him.

Football Manager Instructions for WCB – Fernando Couto

Fernando Couto - Football Manager Legends Patch - Role Instructions
Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder – Fernando Couto

The Arsenal Skipper’s Fight Beyond the Pitch – Tony Adams

Tony Adams: Battle with Alcoholism | Football icons with addictive personality disorder

Tony Adams, a stopper central defender, exemplified leadership on the field. His strong tackling and intelligent positioning earned him respect. Off the field, he grappled with alcoholism, a challenge as daunting as facing an opponent’s attack. Adams’ resilience both as a player and in overcoming addiction showcased his unyielding spirit.

Tony Adams, an Arsenal legend, faced well-documented battles with alcoholism. In 1990, he was arrested for drunk driving and later revealed in his autobiography about his struggles with alcohol. His candid admission and subsequent journey to recovery showcased the depth of his addiction and his determination to overcome it.

In the annals of Arsenal’s history, Tony Adams etched his name as a leader. His fierce tackles and unyielding spirit were emblematic of his dedication. Yet, the battle he waged extended beyond the pitch. The crowd’s cheers faded into the background as he grappled with the clutches of alcoholism.

Tony Adams, an Arsenal legend, faced well-documented battles with alcoholism. In 1990, he was arrested for drunk driving and later revealed in his autobiography about his struggles with alcohol. His candid admission and subsequent journey to recovery showcased the depth of his addiction and his determination to overcome it.

Football Manager Instructions for No-Nonsense Centre Back – Tony Adams

Tonny Adams- Football Manager Legends Patch - Role Instructions
Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder – Tony Adams

Garincha: Dribbling Brilliance, Drowning in Spirits

Garrincha: Football icons with addictive personality disorder
Garincha – Football Magician With Shorter Leg

Garincha, a comprehensive center-back with an attacking role, brought unmatched ball control to the game. Just as he weaved through defenders, he navigated the complexities of his addiction, a reminder that even the brightest talents can face shadows.

Garincha’s intoxicating skill on the field mirrored his battle with alcohol off it. His addiction to alcohol was a dance with self-destruction, mirroring the artistry of his dribbling. The joy he brought to fans contrasted with the struggles he faced in private.

Still, Garrincha, the dribbling wizard, painted joy on the canvas of the pitch. The samba in his feet mesmerized audiences around the world.

Football Manager Instructions for Inverted WCB – Garincha

Garincha - Football Manager Legends Patch - Role Instructions
Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder – Garincha

Socrates: More than a Midfield Maestro

Socrates: The Philosopher's Battle with Alcoholism | Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder
Doctor Socrates – Socialist Activism and Football Aristocracy

Socrates, a deep-lying playmaker in the defender midfield role, controlled the game with elegance. His battle against alcohol dependency mirrored his ability to orchestrate play. Just as he supported his teammates on the field, he struggled with his personal demons off it, showcasing the complexity of the human experience.

Deep-lying playmaker reflected his approach to life โ€“ orchestrating, strategizing, and supporting. However, he used alcohol as a crutch, seeking solace in its grip.

Socrates, the philosopher-midfielder, orchestrated symphonies from the center of the park. His passes were poetry, his presence magnetic. But, his philosophical musings collided with the chaos of addiction. The game of football wasn’t just played on the green; it was also played within him, as he faced the daunting opponent named alcoholism.

Qualified doctor, and a skilled midfielder, openly admitted to his struggles with alcohol addiction. He was known for his heavy drinking habits, often indulging in alcohol before and after matches. His battles with alcoholism were so public that they became intertwined with his footballing legacy, shedding light on the challenges of managing addiction while in the public eye.

Football Manager Instructions for DLP – Socrates

Doctor Socrates- Football Manager Legends Patch - Role Instructions
Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder – Doctor Socrates

George Best: A Journey of Highs and Lows

George Best: Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder
George Best – Naughty Belfast Boy – 5th Beatles and Amazing Footballer

George Best, a wide midfielder in an attacking role, dazzled fans with his skills. However, his flashy lifestyle and struggles with alcohol addiction mirrored his on-field brilliance. Just as he stormed down the flanks, he faced a tumultuous journey, a testament to the highs and lows that fame and addiction can bring.

Best’s off-field battles were as dazzling as his on-field performances. His role as a wide midfielder in attack underscored his approach to life โ€“ relentless, daring, and thrilling.

George Best’s tale reads like a novel with chapters of extravagance and heartache. On the pitch, he soared as one of Manchester United’s brightest stars. Off the pitch, the dazzling lights cast long shadows. His name was etched in gold, but it was also etched in headlines of excesses and battles against alcohol. A liver transplant was the climax of a story that saw the rise, fall, and relentless fight against personal demons.

George Best - Football Manager Legends Patch - Role Instructions
Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder – George Best

Cruyff: The Total Football Visionary’s Clouded Skies

Johan Cruyff: Football Visionary and Smoking Addiction | Football Icons Wth Addictive Personality Disorder
Johan Cruyff World Cup Final Smoke

Johan Cruyff, an inverted winger with an attacking role, revolutionized football with his visionary play. Despite his tactical brilliance, he battled smoking throughout his career. Cruyff’s battle against addiction highlighted that even the most intelligent players can face challenges beyond the pitch.

Cruyff’s role as an inverted winger mirrored his unconventional approach to football. His battle with smoking was a constant reminder of the complexity of addiction โ€“ a challenge that transcended his tactical genius.

Johan Cruyff’s addiction took the form of smoking. Despite his immense footballing intelligence, he struggled to quit smoking, a habit that had implications for his health. In 1991, he underwent heart surgery to address blockages in his arteries, which were likely exacerbated by his smoking habit. His battles with smoking addiction were a testament to the challenges of overcoming even seemingly less harmful forms of addiction.

Johan Cruyff, the mastermind behind total football, redefined the game’s tactics. His vision was unparalleled, influence indelible. Yet, as the fog lifts, the clouds reveal a different battle. The epitome of footballing genius grappled with a seemingly innocuous yet equally tenacious adversary: nicotine.

Johan Cruyff - Football Manager Legends Patch - Role Instructions
Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder – Johan Cruyff

Maradona: A Legacy of Magic and Struggle

Diego Maradona: Genius and Controversy | Football Icons Wth Addictive Personality Disorder
Diego Armando Maradona

Diego Armando Maradona, an attacking midfielder was synonymous with genius and controversy. His struggles with drug addiction were as intense as his mesmerizing performances on the field.
You know all about Dio’s problems.

Cocaine wasn’t just a white line on a pitch; it was a shadow that loomed over his career. Suspensions, rehabilitation, and a tumultuous journey marked his battle against substance abuse.

Diego Armando Maradona’s battles with drug addiction were perhaps one of the most widely publicized. He tested positive for cocaine during his time at Napoli in 1991, leading to a 15-month suspension. His struggles with substance abuse were ongoing, with multiple stints in rehabilitation centers. The “Hand of God” goal and the “Goal of the Century” were moments of brilliance that stood in contrast to his battles with addiction.

Diego Armando Maradona- Football Manager Legends Patch - Role Instructions
Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder – Diego Maradona

Caniggia: Speed and Shadows

Claudio Caniggia: Speed, Struggles, and Substance Abuse | Football Icons Wth Addictive Personality Disorder
Caniggia and Maradona Kiss

Claudio Caniggia, a poacher striker with an attacking role, left defenders in his wake. Caniggia’s journey showcased that even the speediest runners can find themselves entangled in challenges beyond the game. Battling drug addiction, he struggled off the field just as he fought opponents on it.

Caniggia’s role as a poacher mirrored his ability to seize opportunities on the field. The adrenaline of his strikes contrasted with the turmoil he faced, mirroring the highs and lows that addiction can bring. Caniggia’s journey was a testament to the unpredictable path of personal battles.

Claudio Caniggia’s speed made defenders look like mere spectators. His strikes were lightning, his presence electric. Cocaine, an adversary deadlier than any defender, cast a long shadow over his career. Suspension and a tarnished reputation marked a journey that saw the convergence of speed on the field and shadows off it.

Battles with drug addiction came to the forefront in the early 2000s. In 2003, he was banned for 13 months after testing positive for cocaine. His addiction struggles not only affected his career but also resulted in legal troubles and a tarnished reputation.

“If cocaine is a drug, then I’m a drug addict”

Claudio Caniggia - Football Manager Legends Patch - Role Instructions
Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder – Claudio Caniggia

Adriano: Glory Tinged with Despair

Adriano: Football Icons Wth Addictive Personality Disorder
Brasil – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – 21/06/2009 – Adriano do Flamengo comemora seu gol durante partida contra o Internacional, valida pela setima rodada do Brasileiro 2009, realizada no Maracana. Foto: Alex Carvalho/AGIF

Adriano Leite Ribeiro, an advanced forward in an attacking role, possessed immense potential. However, personal tragedies and battles with addiction impacted his career. Just as he sought to find the net, he navigated personal crashes.

Adriano’s role as an advanced forward mirrored his determination to break through barriers.

It’s always the same fucking story…

The highs of his potential were often stifled by the weight of his battles, highlighting the contrast between talent and personal demons.

Adriano’s battles with addiction were widely reported during his time at Inter Milan. The loss of his father took a toll on him, and he turned to excessive partying and alcohol as a coping mechanism. His struggles with addiction affected his professionalism and commitment to the sport.

Adriano - Football Manager Legends Patch - Role Instructions

Mutu: Struggles in the Spotlight

Mutu: Struggles in the Spotlight | Football Icons Wth Addictive Personality Disorder

Adrian Mutu, a poacher striker in an attacking role, faced controversies related to drug use. Despite his goal-scoring prowess, his battles with addiction cast a shadow over his journey.

With role as a poacher mirrored his ability to strike with precision.

Adrian Mutu faced a highly publicized incident involving cocaine use during his time at Chelsea. In 2004, he tested positive for cocaine, resulting in a lengthy legal battle with the club. The incident not only led to his suspension but also highlighted the impact of addiction on professional and personal life.

Adrian Mutu- Football Manager Legends Patch - Role Instructions
Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder – Adrian Mutu

And What is the Conclusion?

In the realm of football manager tactics, these legendary players would be essential pieces in the 3-3-1-3 formation, each contributing their unique skills and experiences. Just as they tackled opponents on the pitch, they faced their own battles against addiction, a reminder that even heroes are human, susceptible to the complexities of life.

As we celebrate their achievements and skills, let’s remember their struggles, offering empathy and understanding. Top 11 Football Icons With Addictive Personality Disorder tales transcend the field, urging us to look beyond the surface and recognize the strength it takes to confront inner demons. In a game where victory is celebrated, their battles are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

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